Together we can improve your wellbeing

Hayley van Stenis

Specialised Wellness Counsellor

I walk along side each client. Together we find their path to wellness.


Hayley van Stenis

Illness to Wholeness to Wisdom.
Working with adults, adolescents, couples and families, my goal is to empower people, to be able to make choices, which will ultimately improve, their over all quality of life.
Looking to restore health and wellbeing, advise on coping skills, improve relationships, and teach tools to manage stress.
With an eclectic training background, I work towards meeting your individual needs within the therapeutic space. I was fortunate in having the opportunity to work at an inpatient specialised care addiction treatment facilities. Where patients primarily received treatment for process and substance addiction, including support for trauma, personality disorders, anxiety, burn out and depression.
In 2017 I moved into private practice in Hermanus, offering face to face and Skype sessions.
Languages include English & Afrikaans.




Wellness is an active process of becoming aware of and making the right choices towards a healthy and fulfilling life.


Trauma can be defined as a psychological, emotional response to an event or an experience that is deeply distressing or disturbing.


Addiction is the phycological  and physical inability to stop a repetitive uncontrollable behaviour, even though it is causing personal harm.


What People say



South Africa

I’ve had a problem with checking locks since I can remember. A few days after my second EMI session, I realised late one afternoon that I had forgotten to lock the front door for the entire day. I’ve not been worried about the locks since that day and I’m sleeping much better at night. I was surprised at how quickly EMI worked. I am grateful to Hayley, who guided me through the process with great skill and compasion.


Leanda Trautman


During the time my family and I imigrated from South Africa to Spain, I experienced a lot of stress, which let to anxiety and just stumbled onwards from there. Hayley helped me to put my mind at ease when she made me see the bigger picture. Sometimes one just needs an outsiders opinion and advice to guide us to a better, more fulfilling life. I would highly recommend Hayley, even to friends and family.


Marijn Van Winkel


When I met Hayley I was at what is known as rockbottom. The way of living I had designed for myself was getting the best of me and I needed to change desperately. I was scared, lonely, sad and very angry. So much so that all these emotions clouded my vision of some hard truths I had to face. Hayley guided me through the proces of starting to let go of old pain, mending, and replacing it with new healthy thoughts and behavior. This wasn’t easy proces because I was reluctant to let my anger go. Because, “who else is there to protect me if not my anger?”, I thought.Hayley recognized this and was kind and caring at the right moments, but tough when I needed it, when I was slowing my own process down and circling around these truths I needed to face. The combination of these two approaches was precisely what I needed.I’m still grateful that Hayley came into my life when she did. I trust her and she is still a confidant I call on every now and then to Skype with when I have something to work through.Today I’m nearly 3 years sober and my life in sobriety started with her and for that I am forever grateful.




I went to Hayley feeling out of control, angry and frustrated. Within 2 session Hayley had identified triggers and gave me tool equipping me to establish and take my life back. I felt comfortable sharing with Hayley’s super professional humouristic and genuine approach. She is real, intuitive and analytical. Almost frightening how she knew me better than I know myself. My husband said his life went from hell to heaven after counselling sessions.





South Africa

Na baie jare se emosionele gesukkel, het ek op  58 jarige ouderdom agter gekom dat die trauma wat ek as kind beleef het, my normale funksionering as n gesonde, geballanseerde en opgeruimde persoon gedurig ingeperk het.   Ek het maar altyd gereken dat ek “dit agter my moet sit” en half skuldig gevoel as ek daaroor praat of dat dit my nog pla.  Ek het gevoel dat ek die gene betrokke inkrimineer  of “oordeel” elke keer as ek daaroor dink of nog praat.  Ek was van mening dat ek  as kind van God, Hom moet vertrou vir volkome herstel in alle opsigte.  Inderdaad het  ons sielsgesondheid ook soms ondersteuning en hulp  nodig, net soos ons liggaam dit nodig het van n mediese dokter.  Ek is oortuig dat God ander juis ook toerus om daardie hulp te kan lewer.   Tydens my besoeke aan Hayley het sy my in staat gestel om op n gemaklike wyse deur al die gebeure te werk.  Ek het dit geensins as ongemaklik, opdringend of indringend ervaar  nie. Sy het EMI op my toegepas en na 3 afsprake het ek n nuwe perspektief op die gebeure van die verlede gehad wat my in staat gestel het om emosioneel gesonder en gemakliker in al my verhoudings op te tree. Ek is net spyt oor een ding….. dat ek dit nie lankal gedoen het nie. 




Martin Heydorn

South Africa

As a grain farmer, harvest time is one of the most satisfying times of the year, literally to reap what I sow. However it goes without saying that it is also one of the most stressful. In over 25 years in the game, I was always short tempered and somewhat grumpy, during this period Ask my family, they may even add a few stronger words. THANK YOU HAYLEY. My family did not know me like this in harvest time, nor did I, totally calm and relaxed despite the pressure. I was able to put the stress person in me away before coming home and managed to keep it like that during the whole harvest. At home the Martin everybody knows was there, not an old grouch. I cannot express sufficient gratitude.  


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